Scholarships Now Available for Seafood Business Leaders to Join National Seafood Council Task Force • Seafood Nutrition Partnership

The National Seafood Council Task Force, with the support from the Walton Family Foundation, is announcing the launch of a scholarship program to open up more opportunities for small- and medium-sized seafood businesses to participate in this important initiative to develop a holistic consumer marketing and education campaign. To be representative of the entire seafood supply chain, the Task Force is seeking nominations for seafood business leaders whose annual company revenue is less than $20 million.

Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) is incubating the National Seafood Council (NSC) and launched the National Seafood Council Task Force in April 2021 to provide advice and input into the formation of a NSC. As recommended by NOAA’s MAFAC, an industry-led, federally-supported NSC will help build a more resilient seafood sector, improve public health, and foster a healthier planet. The NSC will establish one unified voice for the seafood industry at a time when it is needed most. 

“One of the key objectives of the National Seafood Council Task Force is to be representative of the diverse U.S. seafood supply chain,” said Linda Lai Cornish, President of SNP. “For the National Seafood Council to have a unified voice for the industry, the Task Force must represent all aspects of the industry.” The diversity areas of interest are size of business, key skills relevant to a National Seafood Campaign, gender, geography, and points along the supply chain.

Upon formation, the NSC will conduct education, research, promotion, and marketing directly to American consumers and will feature the benefits of sustainable seafood for health. The NSC will remain positively focused on the area of greatest agreement among the diverse seafood sector: the immense health benefits of seafood for the American public. 

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Small- and medium-sized seafood businesses with annual revenue less than $20 million. 
  • Nomination by a member of the NSC Task Force or Seafood4Health Action Coalition.
  • Meets diversity interest areas of the NSC Task Force: size of business, key skills relevant to a National Seafood Campaign, gender, geography, and points along the supply chain.
  • Ability to abide by NSC Task Force Mission, Vision, Values, Objectives, and time commitment through December 31, 2022.

Nominations for seafood business leaders opens Thursday, July 15, 2021, and closes Friday, August 13, 2021, and will be accepted on a rolling basis. The scholarship application is available here. Funding is available for six to eight leaders to be offered scholarships to join the NSC Task Force. Nominations that meet eligibility requirements will be presented to the NSC Task Force for review and approval.

Industry leaders interested in learning more about the National Seafood Council Task Force may contact Margaret Henderson, Director of Corporate Partnerships at SNP, at

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